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How to Choose an Agency Management System

How to Choose an Agency Management System The decision to automate your agency or to change your current Agency Management System is a challenging endeavor—figuring out which one to choose, even more so. Depending on which system you choose, your agency management...

SIS Recipe for Getting the Most Out of Your Management System



We all have our favorite foods; recipes we go to time and again because we know they’ll deliver. Each is comprised of essential ingredients that make the final product taste so good. Should any of these elements be missed, the dish would not live up to its full potential.The same is true for your agency management system experience. There are essential pieces required for your agency to have the best experience with your management system and your provider. Should one of these elements be off, you and your agency are at a disadvantage.

In this eGuide, we’ll explore the essential elements for getting the most out of your agency management system, and the core ingredients of each. Call it a recipe for success –a recipe we hope you will be able to cook up with ease.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_button dimension=”two” size=”medium” url=”http://marketing.sispartnerplatform.com/acton/attachment/3835/f-0166/1/-/-/-/-/15_12_11_SIS_Recipes_Getting_Most_Agency_Mgt_System_31.pdf” target=”_blank” align=”right” bg_color=”#0083be”]View as PDF[/mk_button][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_button dimension=”two” size=”medium” url=”http://marketing.sispartnerplatform.com/acton/attachment/3835/f-0166/1/-/-/-/-/15_12_11_SIS_Recipes_Getting_Most_Agency_Mgt_System_31.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#0083be”]View a Demo[/mk_button][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space height=”22px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_custom_box padding_vertical=”50″ padding_horizental=”40″ bg_color=”#f6f6f6″][vc_custom_heading text=”SIS Recipe for Getting the Most Out of Your Management System” google_fonts=”font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

Ingredients for Your Base of Efficiency

The first element your agency management system recipe is efficiency. Your system should include these basic ingredients for increasing workflow and saving time.

An ounce of application synchronization—You’ll want the ability to connect the work you do in Outlook, Word, and other applications with client profiles. This saves you keystrokes and creates a fuller picture of each client, so you can better serve their needs.

A pinch of paperless workflow—Your agency management system should offer easy scanning and storing for all documents so you can easily search for what you need. Virtual storage makes it easier to set up and/or revamp a filing system through simple dragging and dropping files, meaning your agency is more organized and thus, efficient.

A slice of system integration—Everything works better when it works together. When your agency management system is able to sync everything from claims processing to accounting, you are able to work better and faster.

The Data and Reports Layer

Your agency management system contains massive amounts of information. Inputting and extracting this data can be a time consuming process, but there is a better way.

A Dash of Data Synchronization

Real Time allows for immediate download of a carrier’s pricing and capabilities, saving keystrokes and ensuring the most recent information.

Account Submission information can be tracked through modules recording the number of submission,
account quotes, and more. This synchronization can help you adjust pricing and build a better relationship with carriers.

A Cup of Customized Output

Create custom reports in your system, tracking everything from employee productivity, to new business.
Set up the report once and it’ll be good to go whenever you need it.

Get both personal and commercial policy downloads from your carriers to prefill policy information.

Use policy summary and proposal templates with your system’s mail merge capabilities. As with custom reports, you will improve workflow and save money by automating the process.

Creating Your Security Filling

Your management system will seem bland without this crucial security filling. Your agency management system houses all of your agency’s sensitive data, including client and employee information. This data needs to stay secure from cyber threats and hacks.Your security filling should, at a minimum, include cloud storage, frequent maintenance, and quick response to issues.

Quart of cloud storage

Ensure you are using the best quality.Your cloud storage should be:

  • Supplied by a third-party provider who is able to focus 100% on data security
  • Round the clock physical security
  • Protected via secure firewall
  • Encryption-only access to all agency data

One ounce of frequent maintenance

Check your maintenance freshness by looking for:

Regular updates from management system provider and cloud provider

Updates that happen quickly and easily, with the bulk handled by your provider

Quart of quick response to issues

Don’t allow communication on security issues go stale!
Watch for:
An individualized support team to tackle your needs
A solid contingency plan from your provider for quick disaster recovery

Client Services—the Icing on the Cake

A well-prepared cake may be able to stand on its own, but it’s really the icing surrounding this delicious dessert that makes it great. Good client service is that icing for your agency management experience. No matter how many capabilities your system has, it means nothing if your provider isn’t able to work with you and give your agency with what it needs.

Get sweet client service with:

A touch of targeted training: offered at system implementation and after updates, and in multiple ways (in person, online, whole staff, and specialized by department)

A pat of personalized service: an individualized service team dedicated to you and your agency’s needs, with continual, consistent communication.
A rounded scoop of regular updates: correlated with industry trends and targeted at your agency’s needs.

A container of continuing Education: provided via online (webinars, blogs) and in person (i.e. user conferences), keeping you up to date on relevant industry happenings.[/vc_column_text][/mk_custom_box][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Beth Wenning

Beth Wenning Director, Org. Development Greg TIllar Alex Deak Michael Doran Beth Wenning Bryce Lee Bruno Paganini Jake Thaxton Luke Purnell Jordan Owens Beth, who possesses innate relational and personnel development strengths, has broad expertise in account...

Michael Doran

Michael Doran President Greg TIllar Alex Deak Michael Doran Beth Wenning Bryce Lee Bruno Paganini Jake Thaxton Luke Purnell Jordan Owens Michael provides sales and marketing leadership with a consistent record for both individual performance and building teams which...