
Updates from the President

Anyone striving for success knows that learning does not stop when you leave the classroom. The same is true for you and your agency, especially when it comes to the capabilities of your agency’s management system. We believe it’s our job to provide you with frequent training resources so you can use Partner XE to the fullest. Some of our great educational resources include:

National and Regional Conferences

We just wrapped up our regional NASPA conference in Boston, which was a huge success for the over 40 users sharing ideas and best practices. A big thanks goes out to Arbella Insurance for the use of their facility and sponsorship at this event. If you’d like to help us organize a conference in your region, contact Tami Scott.

Our National NASPA Conference is filling up fast, with registration far exceeding the 2012 conference.  We’ll be making some important announcements at the conference and want you to be the first to hear the news.

Informative Webinars

This month, we’ll be hosting a webinar in conjunction with IVANS to provide insight into the current state of download. You’ll learn from IVANS about download education and optimization campaigns, and get some great information on downloads from personal and commercial lines. This is not one to be missed.

PartnerNet 2.0

Our client portal, PartnerNet, provides access to hundreds of quick guides, recorded versions of every Partner XE webinar, news about upcoming webinars and conferences, and much more. The newest version of PartnerNet was just released, with a refreshed look to help you find what you need faster. This redesign was made with mobile in mind, and gives you easy access to all the great content published on the SIS blog.

Our clients are our first priority and we’re always looking for new ways to help you know what Partner XE can do, and making it work better for you. I’m always open to your feedback, so feel free to contact me with any questions or comments at [email protected].

Kind regards,


Alex Deak | CEO 
email: [email protected]
call: 614.219.6558
visit: www.sispartnerplatform.com

SIS Updates

Message from the President – April 2013

2013 has been a busy year already here at SIS, and we are accelerating the pace of work to continue to serve you better.

In late January/ early February we released Partner XE Version 1.9, incorporating a number of suggestions from members of the National Association of Partner Agents (NASPA). We really appreciate that feedback as it helps us get the enhancements into Partner XE that have the most impact for our users. Thanks to your input and our dedicated development team, the new release has been very well received.

While V1.9 was big, development doesn’t stop there. We recently completed a cloud infrastructure upgrade to increase capacity and facilitate growth, and are already working diligently on Partner XE Version 2.0 — incorporating still more of your suggestions into a version that will truly be the beginning of the next generation for Partner XE.  Scheduled for release this fall, Partner XE V2.0 is improving from the ground up to help your agency adapt to the changing landscape.

In order to stay on the leading edge, we have also been increasingly active in industry events, with ACORD, ACT, and AUGIE taking a leadership position and getting involved in workgroups.

We continue to make investments in training and education, with monthly webinars, updates to PartnerNet, tips and tricks email messages and our new Partner Learning Center, which will kick off with a New User Conference in Columbus next month. And look for announcements about regional meetings and next year’s User Conference coming soon.

On a philanthropic note, SIS team members, along with our counterparts at parent company, NuGrowth Solutions, recently took part in a light-hearted competition that resulted in almost 7,000 meals for the hungry in Central Ohio.

All in all, the year is off to a great start.  We have great agency partners and great visions for what the future holds.

Thank you for your continued support. I encourage all of you to get involved with NASPA and make your voice heard throughout the Partner XE community.