
EfficiencyAs the days grow shorter and the sluggish weather of winter approaches, staying motivated and working efficiently can require a lot of extra effort. However, it may not be the weather or the time of year that is slowing down your agency. Consider your processes, especially in terms of how you’re utilizing your agency management system. Are you missing the pieces needed to keep up to speed?

Using integrated systems are an essential part of an efficient independent insurance agency’s management system.  The seamless workflow of connecting everything from claims processing to accounting frees up time for other tasks, and energizes your processes by moving multiple elements forward at one time.

Implementing paperless workflow through your agency management system is a triple threat. It saves you money, time, and it’s a win for the environment. Scanning and storing all documents through your agency management systems means you can easily search for what you need. A paperless workflow leaves room for continual improvement as you can easily move around and update your storage system and paperwork processes simply by dragging and dropping files.

Synching with other applications such as Outlook, voicemail, and Word means information is immediately attached to a client profile without any extra effort. Such synchronization means every piece of each client’s puzzle is in the same place, creating a complete picture. This full picture leads to better knowing and serving your clients – your ultimate goal as an agency owner.

Stop underutilizing your agency management system, and start opening the door to high productivity. The upfront implementation of these elements is nothing compared to the time, money, and effort saved by your agency and your employees.

A good management system provider offers easy implementation and training of these pieces. Our Partner XE system comes equipped with Outlook synchronization, integrated accounting, and a paperless workflow, along with customized training and continual client check-ins. Get the full story on what Partner XE has to offer here or contact us at [email protected].

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