
commercial_lines_downloadsCommercial lines policy detail downloads (CLDL) is on the rise, and for good reason! Such streamlined, consistent client records and data put a smile on the faces of carriers, agency staff, and clients alike. Using commercial lines downloads is one of the few things in life to make everyone happy!

Your Carriers

Carriers love CLDL because it gets them client information quickly and accurately at any time. Also, CLDL saves carriers time and money because it cuts down on calls to carrier service centers by brokers. Carriers also like the consistency commercial lines policy downloads brings to data entry.

Your Staff

Commercial lines policy downloads help things move faster and more efficiently, making your staff smile. CLDL eliminates duplicate information and minimizes errors that may occur with manual entry, meaning less E & O issues for your staff to investigate and manage. Your agency staff experiences less hassle when connecting with carriers, and is able to give clients accurate, up-to-date information quickly.

Your Clients

Clients feel the benefits of CLDL through faster response times and consistent customer service communication. CLDL allows for better communication between your staff and carriers, which translates to better communication with your clients. And if the clients are happy, you are happy!


Happier staff, clients and carriers means a happier you. Plus, with all the increased efficiency, you will have more time to devote to the “back burner” things like improving your website or streamlining other processes.

In addition to these many benefits, CLDL also saves you money. Some agency management systems, like our Partner XE, already have the capabilities to allow for CL download, meaning you don’t have to invest in a new system to make it work.

To find out more about Partner XE and Commercial Lines downloads, check out our website or connect with us at 800.747.9273 or [email protected].

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