
Commercial LinesAs we saw in our last post, commercial lines download (CLDL) can benefit your independent insurance agency in a variety of ways. From increasing your workflow efficiency to saving you money, one may wonder why agencies would hesitate to employ commercial lines downloads.

Unfortunately, many agencies cling to the memories of the old CLDL, remembering the system as clunky and wrought with errors. However, thanks to the ACT (Agents Council for Technology) workgroup, there have been significant advancement in commercial lines downloads over the past couple years, making them an excellent asset for all agencies. Such improvements include:

  • Creation of guidelines, such as the ACORD CLDL Implementation Guides, to give agencies tips on implementation and review best practices.
  • Increased data accuracy, through the implementation of detailed checklists, eliminating the common problems of the past.
  • Development of form documents that can be adapted for individual carriers/vendors to ensure data is sent successfully.
  • Implementation of agency, carrier, and vendor trainings to increase understanding across the industry.
  • Updated agency management systems that can accept information faster and easier.

When using CLDL, success lies in understanding and matching data fields appropriately, adhering to ACORD standards. As an ACORD member, SIS is aware of and employs ACORD’s standards in implementing CLDL amongst Partner XE users. To learn more about how to employ commercial lines download with Partner XE, contact us today!

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