Many thanks to Arbella Insurance for hosting the Boston Regional Learning!
This past week, the Strategic Insurance Software (SIS) team and I headed east for two Partner XE Regional Learning events in Hartford, CT and Boston, MA. Both events were well attended by our Partner XE community members, some coming from hours away to participate. Attendees enjoyed learning how to maximize their Partner XE experience and collaborating around improvements for future releases.
Read about our November Regional Learning in Nashville, TN
These events are some of my favorite parts of my job – engaging with and strengthening our independent insurance agency community. Some may question the need to travel and meet in-person. In our ever-connected world, why not just hold a webinar or online meeting? Though there is a time and place for that, the feedback we receive from our Partner XE community members say it all:
“I always appreciate a chance to learn more and get better within the system. We appreciate you guys doing these in-person events.”
“The meeting was well done. I certainly picked up useful information, and I’m glad I made the 2-hour drive.”
“Partner XE continues to get better with each release. Thanks for continuing to meet with us and help us get better as an agency.”
This was our fifth time in Boston and second in Hartford, but each time feels new thanks to the thoughtful ideas we hear from our clients. I look forward to our next Regional Learning in Brandon, WI on May 2nd, where we’ll no doubt gain even more insights from our community in the Midwest.
Want to bring a Regional Learning to your area? Contact us!
I continue to receive positive feedback from last week’s attendees, and each note reaffirms the importance of these in-person meetings. We at SIS are continually inspired by the service-minded independent insurance agencies in the Partner XE community. Thank you to all who shared insights, and I look forward to many meetings to come!