
thumbnail_sis_email_etiquette_no_shadowEmail has quickly become one of the most efficient and effective ways to communicate with co-workers, clients, and business partners, making it almost second nature to many. These messages range from personal correspondence to client communication, so it can be easy to forget who we are talking to and lapse into colloquialisms when communicating with a client or prospect. Crafting a clear, concise, professional email takes effort and practice, and is an important part of creating and keeping good business relationships.

Our latest eGuide focuses on crafting emails and email etiquette, providing your agency with tips on keeping e-correspondence professional and effective. We examine what to do, and what not to do, when writing and sending emails. Starting with the subject line right down to your closing, it’s important to pay attention to what you’re writing and to whom. By paying attention to your agency communications, you’ll be on the right track to setting up the positive, lasting relationships that are such an important part of your agency’s growth and success.

For more tips on how to improve your email communications and productivity, read our Email Productivity eGuide, available for free at sispartnerplatform.com. While you’re there, check out how Partner XE’s email integration can help streamline your agency’s practices and improve agency communication. For more info on Partner XE’s capabilities, contact us at [email protected].

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