
Stop Whining: Embrace Google+

Google Plus for Insurance AgenciesStop Whining: Embrace Google+ was recently published by the Executive Editor of The Steve Anderson Report (TAAR) Steve Anderson. In this article, Anderson explains that though you may currently be using Facebook for your personal lines and LinkedIn for your business lines, you are more apt to make a stronger digital marketing presence if you embrace Google+ as well.

Anderson explains that though you may be using Facebook and LinkedIn, to master your internet presence you must use Google+ in some capacity. As mentioned in Part I of this article, Google+ currently hosts more than 500 million users worldwide. Also, according to Business Insider, Google+ is adding 750,000 users everyday. Image the digital marketing opportunities you would have with a daily user increase such as that!

Anderson wraps up the article by providing readers with helpful step and links on how to get started with setting up a Google+ account. Here are some of the suggestions that he makes:

  • Fill out your profile in its entirety. This will provide you with a better chance of showing up when someone is searching for information that you may be able to provide.
  • Link your website to increase your internet presence. Since information added to Google+ is used by Google in the search results, this is one of the main benefits of a Google+ account. To learn more about doing this step click here.
  • Start using circles to organize contacts and connections. Some circles included are topics, industries, family, and friends.
  • Post information on Google+ similar to what you would post on Facebook or LinkedIn. You can even post the same information on all three sites.
  • Add interesting people to your circles by sharing each other’s posts with links to the original author embedded.  Anderson suggests posting comments under the posts to engage with the network and bring new and interesting people to your attention.
  • Finally, explore the newer addition to Google+, Communities. These are similar to groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

This post is part of a series on Insurance Marketing Strategies brought to you by SIS.  At SIS we view it as our job to make all the behind the scenes tasks that go into running an independent insurance agency simpler, so you can focus on growing your book of business.

We do this by doing what we do best – listening to our clients’ needs, constantly working to build a better agency management system, providing outstanding ongoing customer support and looking for the next “best way” we can help you out.   

If you are interested in learning more about SIS or our Partner XE agency management system please give us a call at 800-747-9273 or fill out a short contact form and one of our representatives will be in touch soon.

SIS publishes “How to Choose an Agency Management System” guide for Independent Insurance Agencies.

Independent insurance agency owners and executive interested in migrating to a new agency management system will benefit from a new, interactive eGuide, “How to Choose an Agency Management System,” published recently by Strategic Insurance Software (SIS).

Understanding that no one system is right for every agency, SIS, created the resource to help independent agencies determine which of the over 70 agency management systems on the market today is the “right” one for their particular circumstance.

“Choosing the wrong agency management system could cost an agency thousands of dollars and months of lost productivity,” said Michael Doran, EVP of Sales for SIS.  “Having observed hundreds of agencies making buying-decisions, and wanting to help agencies make informed decisions, we decided to outline the major factors that must be evaluated by agencies as they evaluate a potential purchase.”

The resulting guide addresses eight key areas for an agency to consider and presents thought provoking questions that will assist owners as they evaluate systems and the companies that support them.

These areas include:

  • Your Agency
  • Your Software Provider
  • Training & Service
  • Software / Hardware Requirements
  • Features / Workflow Requirements
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Affordability

The free guide is available for download here.

About SIS: Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, SIS is the team behind Partner XE insurance software – an innovative web-based insurance agency management system that helps independent agencies streamline workflow and grow their business. Built on a foundation of strong technology and exceptional service, we’re moving forward with a constant eye on innovation that will make independent agents’ lives easier.


A Google+ Breakdown

Google Plus for Insurance AgenciesConnecting with clients in a wired world presents a whole new approach when growing an insurance agency. Most consumers today rely on social media, as well as friends and family, opposed to promotions and advertisements to form their decisions about products and services. In today’s market, consumers are well informed and socially engaged. This does not change the fact that consumers want to feel they have a personal relationship with the companies they engage with. One way that companies can ensure they are successfully marketing on a digital platform, while maintaining the personal relationship that consumers need is through Google+.

What is Google+ and Do I Need It?

Currently, there are over 200 social networking sites, some of which host more than a billion users. One very prominent and upcoming social media site that is owned and operated by Google Inc. is Google+. Originally founded in 2011, Google+ hosts more than 500 million registered users worldwide.

Some of the features of Google+ include:

  • Stream– This is where users see updates from those in their circles. Users have the ability to post comments and upload/share photos and videos.
  • Circles– This feature enables users to organize people into groups for sharing purposes. Sections range from Family and Friends categories to All Users on the Google+ system.
  • Hangouts– These are places used to facilitate group videos chats. You can have a maximum of 10 users at a time participating in a single chat in which users can even share YouTube videos, documents, and create instant webcasts.
  • Messenger– Available to Android, iPhone, and SMS devices, Messenger enables users to communicate and share photos with those in their circles instantly.

The Benefits of Google+

Now that we have reviewed some of the basics about Google+, let’s take a look at how it can benefit you and your agency. Many agencies have adopted Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages to enhance marketing efforts. With a presence on these sites, many ask how adding a Google+ account will really make a difference. The answer is simple. When it comes to social media and having a dominating web presence, there is high probability that you will never be 100% covered. By using Google+ you can be sure to close the gap between your percentage now and the ultimate 100%.

Here are a few benefits to creating a Google+ Business Profile:

  • Most importantly, your current and potential customers are already on there. With over 500 million active members in a little over 2 years, Google+ provides you with the opportunity to engage with your clients on their level.
  • Remember, less users=less competition. Start building relationships now when you can still be heard. The number of individuals and businesses joining Google+ increases daily.
  • Another positive is that Google+ allows for a more direct and personal relationship with clients. Google+, unlike Facebook and Twitter, is dominated by quality info that is professional and informational. Consumers appreciate a site that is not cluttered with unnecessary information and advertisements.
  • You will also set your agency up with the ability to be part of the future integration with other Google products. Who knows what plans Google has for the future!

This post is part of a series on Insurance Marketing Strategies brought to you by SIS.  At SIS we view it as our job to make all the behind the scenes tasks that go into running an independent insurance agency simpler, so you can focus on growing your book of business.

We do this by doing what we do best – listening to our clients’ needs, constantly working to build a better agency management system, providing outstanding ongoing customer support and looking for the next “best way” we can help you out.   

If you are interested in learning more about SIS or our Partner XE agency management system please give us a call at 800-747-9273 or fill out a short contact form and one of our representatives will be in touch soon.

Managing Change Successfully

Manage ChangeIn today’s insurance environment, agencies are experiencing rapid change like never before. Globalization and the constant innovation of technology have resulted in a continuously evolving business environment. Change management, the approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state, is a structured approach in an agency for ensuring that changes are smoothly and successfully implement to achieve lasting benefits.

Managing change successfully is not an easy task, nor should the efforts to do so be taken lightly.  Companies that refuse to change get left behind by those who embrace it. Successful agency owners need not question whether or not change is necessary, but focus on how to successfully manage change to ensure the success of the business.

Jeff Yates, the Executive Director of the Agents Council for Technology (ACT) recently published a thought-provoking article entitled Agency Strategies to Manage Change Successfully. In his article, he provides six perceptive ways for an agency to successfully manage change and in turn grow their business.

Yates emphasizes that “Agencies can position themselves to prosper in this rapidly changing environment by creating a culture that embraces innovation and implementing a defined change management process.”

  • Management Sets the Tone
    It is the agency management team that plays a pivotal role in building a culture where “innovation is prized as a core value of the business.” Encouraging ideas on how the agency can do things better from employees and clients, surveying clients regularly, and setting up client advisory councils will provide the ability to test new ideas and generate fresh thinking.
  • Keeping up with Innovation in Other Industries
    Keeping up with the innovations occurring in other industries is essential to success. Though agility is important in reacting to competition, being “anticipatory” will allow agencies to become the competition instead of simply trying to keep up with it. In order to be the “anticipatory” firm, changes need to be made immediately enabling themselves to be where consumers and competitors will be in the future.
  • Employee Involvement & Training are Key
    Encouraging employee involvement in the shaping of necessary changes will also enable agencies to successfully implement change. Empowering and rewarding employees that are innovative will encourage employees to work through any issues and pursue problems until they are fixed. An innovative agency has the right employees in the correct spots, such as those willing to embrace change and ask the right questions to get their jobs done correctly. Many agencies encourage diverse thinking and a deeper understanding of the various client segments by maintaining a staff that reveals multiple generations and ethnic groups. Providing employees with the training necessary for them to become more effective and increase overall job satisfaction is important as well.
  • Slow Down in order to Speed Up”
    Coined by Paul Fuller from here at SIS, this phrase emphasizes the importance of taking the time to ensure the change being considered is worth pursuing. This applies to many facets of the business, from technology to workflows. Opposed to automating a previous workflow that was created for a paper environment, agencies need to rethink these workflows and how they might need to be reworked in a paperless environment.
  • Willingness to Experiment
    In order to successfully manage change, agencies must be willing to experiment and tweak new technologies while listen to the feedback from clients and others. Great examples of these technologies are mobile friendly websites and mobile apps. “There is no question mobility and the ‘connected’ consumer are both ‘hard’ trends that will increasingly affect us.” Internet marketing is also a new technology that many agencies are “experimenting” with. The necessary steps to becoming an innovative agency are experimentation, measurement of the effectiveness of any changes made, and refine implementations when needed.
  • Innovations Save Time & Money
    Let’s discuss time and money, which many of us know can make or break an agencies based upon utilization of each. Efficacious innovations often save time by decreasing the time needed to accomplish certain tasks. By implementing certain innovations, what once took an average of 23 days to complete can be reduced to 2-3 days.

Read the full article here

Yates’ closing statement emphasizes that though there are many available technologies that will enhance your competitive position, there are four key steps agencies must take to manage change successfully. Agencies that embrace innovation, keep up with trends and opportunities, empower their employees, and implement a defined change management process “will continue to experience rapid and profound change.”

Partner Effectively

At SIS, our agency partners’ success is our success and we are committed to helping them grow and expand. Understanding that innovations save both time and money, and contribute significantly to growth potential, we view it as our responsibility to stay ahead of the curve.

To that end, we build our goals and expectations on continuous improvement and adaptation to provide the best service possible.  We listen to what clients want and incorporate their feedback into product enhancements.  We have a strong user group that helps drive productive innovation.  Clients benefit from a management system partner vested in their success and we benefit from the exceptional insight we gain from the people who use the system day in and day out.

We welcome a partnership with you and would like to talk about how we can work together to develop innovative solutions. Our goal is to make our agency partners’ job simpler by consistently working to build a better agency management system, providing exceptional training, and always looking for the next “best way” we can help you succeed. Contact us at 800-747-9273 or fill out a quick contact form and we will be in touch.

Seize the Future

Independent Insurance Agencies Must Plan for Future Growth

Right now, there are many factors affecting the growth and success of insurance agencies. Factors such as the internet, generational differences, legislation, case law, the economy, the soft market, and the vast fortune carriers have made the last five years have placed many insurance agencies at a disadvantage. From increased technology to a focus on identity fraud protection, there are many angles to consider when thinking of the future of your agency.

Recently, an article titled 5 Ways Agency Principals Can Seize the Future was published by the chair of ACT’s Agencies of the Future initiative Peter van Aartrijk. In this article, Aartrijk provided 5 insightful ways that an Agency can seize the future and in turn grow a successful agency. In this article, Aartrijk not only discussed the 5 ways an agency can seize the future, he also provided helpful links to additional resources covering each point.

The 5 points included in Aartrijk’s article were:

  • Brand – Aartrijk emphasizes the understanding that “a brand isn’t tangible”. It is a result of the actions that you take and the customer service that you provide that resides in the minds of your owners, employees, customers, prospects, business partners, and opinion leaders.
  • Leadership – Here Aartrijk discusses the need for both transformational and transactional leadership in order to succeed. A successful agency leader must be willing to gain new information and insight from a multitude of sources.
  • Staffing – “Smart agency owners invest in people and training.” Aartrijk states that within the next 10 years, nearly half of the individuals working in the insurance agency will retire. If you do not embrace the next generational leaders that are currently ready to get involved now, your agency could be stuck with a minimal work force that is lacking the skills that could be passed down from tenured agents.
  • Social – Aartrijk emphasizes the importance of not sitting on the sidelines of the current consumer revolution. To ensure a strong future in the insurance business, agencies need to be “fully engaged, year round, in online and social networking activities”. He stresses that relationships are very important to the industry, and building these relationships with digital media is imperative to success.
  • Metrics- Finally, Aartrijk stresses the need for agencies to focus on the effectiveness of the marketing and sales efforts. “Knowing your numbers is a key differentiator between the growing agency and the one that is not.”

To review the full article, 5 Ways Agency Principals Can Seize the Future, written by Peter van Aartrijk, please click on the link below.

5 Ways Agency Principals Can Seize the Future