The insurance industry has changed over the past 20 years. Paper files and phone calls have given way to digital processes, email, texting, and more. Your insurance support team’s needs have changed, too – or so we hope. The average insurance agent is 59 years old and...
People, Profit, and Process: Confronting Agency Succession Planning
Agency succession is coming. You have two choices: make it happen or let it happen to you. As an independent agency owner, you know the first option is the best. Taking control of your succession planning means you’re ready when the time comes. To prepare, you need to...
Leading Your Agency into the Digital Age
The average insurance agent is 59 years old. That means they’ve lived through multiple insurance agency systems, having been in the workforce through the advent of PCs, the rise and fall of CD-ROMs, the introduction of email and Google, and a whole host of other major...
Knowing When it’s Time: Insurance Agency Perpetuation
It’s been said, “when you know, you know.” This is true for all major moments in life: getting married, having kids, buying a house, and even when you’ll retire. But, when it comes to insurance agency perpetuation, you need to think ahead for that “the time is now”...
Who’s Taking Over?: Handing Off Your Independent Insurance Agency
When it comes to agency perpetuation planning, you’re likely somewhere between square one and planning your retirement party. Let’s hope, unlike some of 2016 Future One Agency Universe Study respondents, you’re closer to a beach house and a cold drink. The study found...
Who is Taking Over Your Insurance Agency?
Are you looking for the secret to a successful agency perpetuation? We’ve got it in three simple steps: Plan ahead Plan ahead Did we say plan ahead? As in…NOW! Whether you’re handing off or taking over an insurance agency, it’s never too soon to start thinking about...
How Are You Managing the Four Cs of Change?
Choosing an agency management system can be overwhelming. The thought of overhauling your workflows, teaching staff a new system, and transferring management system data is enough to make your head hurt. But, it doesn’t have to be this onerous. If you’re considering a...
Internal and External Agency Perpetuation: How to Choose
Agency succession can essentially take one of two paths: internal or external perpetuation. Internally, you can pass on ownership to key employees, friends or family members through sale or inheritance. Externally, you can sell to another agency or merge with another firm.
Giving and Receiving: How to Pass on Your Agency
Chances are you have at least once received a gift and your first thought was: “Thanks?”. That question mark means you either don’t know what you’ll do with the gift or you didn’t want it in the first place. Both are not great reactions. Unfortunately, this is how some people feel when it comes to insurance agency perpetuation.
Attracting Millennials in Insurance
Let’s be straight: we need millennials in insurance. About 55% of insurance upper management are eligible to retire, and the industry is looking at 70,000 open positions – Millennials are the answer.