
Social Media for Independent Insurance Agents

Young insurance agents and young consumers advocate social media and digital marketing

Social Media for Independent Insurance Agents is a hot topic these days.  It is tough to talk about insurance and marketing without the topic of social media coming up – in particular how it is being effectively used by younger agents and how it is used to attract younger consumers.

We recently found a few good articles that we felt might be of interest to those considering implementing a social media marketing strategy for their insurance business – one by a young college student, discussing the best way to attract and engage conversation with consumers of her generation and the other which presents the vantage point of young insurance professionals who are marketing to them.

On the consumer side:

ACT recently published a very insightful paper, A Millennial’s Take on Social Media, written by Lauren Foy a college sophomore, future insurance consumer and the daughter of an independent insurance agent.

Lauren talks about the dos and don’ts of using Facebook, blogging and other online methods to promote your insurance agency as well as the age-old value of personal relationships.

Her Facebook Tip?

“If you are on someone’s Facebook home screen too much with uninteresting comments you are more likely to get hidden. However, I can think of two companies that I see on my Facebook a lot and I am more likely to consider them when I am in the market. The way they do this is by posting relevant posts and doing it on a consistent, reasonable basis… My generation feeds on being “heard” and finds it so appealing that we give more attention to the social media sites that try to engage us.”

On the agent side:

In her recent Insurance Journal article, How Young Insurance Agents Are Changing the Industry, author Andrea Wells recounts her interview with two young insurance professionals, who feel very strongly that young agents have an opportunity to make big changes in how the industry operates – from social media marketing to increased use of technology in general.

She cites the following statistics:  “Of the 513 young agents responding to the 2012 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey, 75.2 percent reported having a Facebook page, 73.7 percent use Linked In, 28.5 percent use Twitter, 84.7 percent use an iPhone or other Smartphone, 44 percent use an iPad or other tablet device, and 10 percent report writing a blog — all for their work as an independent insurance agent.”  – Read the full article

Partner XE by SIS is the leading web based agency management system designed to give you all the capabilities required to run your agency today and well into the future at a price point you’ll appreciate.  That’s why over 500 agencies have chosen Partner XE and SIS to help them grow their business.  If you are interested in learning more about SIS or our Partner XE agency management system please give us a call at 800-747-9273 or fill out a short contact form and one of our representatives will be in touch soon.


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