
sis_blog_imgAs we round out our series on email etiquette we conclude with an important, yet easy to forget, aspect of emailing: conveying tone. With face to face or phone conversations, tone can be interpreted through an individual’s voice inflection, but with email this is not possible. When writing an email, you must keep in mind your audience (co-worker, prospect, client, vendor) and be intentional in conveying your message. Here are four quick tips to help you communicate clearly, avoiding misinterpretations and negative consequences.

1. Don’t use sarcasm

Although it may be tempting to add in a seemingly funny, sarcastic line, remember that the nuances of your tone cannot be conveyed via email. Using sarcasm can lead to unintended consequences such as offending a colleague, the repercussions of which can be quite embarrassing. In the same vein, be careful making any type of joke via email in a professional environment. When in doubt, leave it out.

2. Avoid “flaming”

“Flaming,” a virtual term for venting/sending inflammatory messages, is not appropriate nor helpful. You may feel the need to correct someone or point out why a project went wrong, but email is not the place. To keep yourself from sending something you may regret, ask yourself if you would say what you’re writing face to face. If you wouldn’t, don’t include it. If you would, find them and have a frank discussion instead.

3. Use positive wording

Always start your emails with an appropriate, positive greeting. This puts the reader in a good mindset. Keep this tone throughout your email – be friendly, but keep to business related items. It is helpful to close by thanking the reader, and stating any next steps such as: “Thanks for your time. I look forward to meeting with you on Monday to review the attached.” By thanking the individual you build positive rapport, showing you value them and their time.

4. Check, and double check

What you say in an email cannot be taken back, so be careful what you write and send. To ensure you are not sending a message that could be interpreted negatively, read and re-read your messaged before sending. It is helpful to read your message out loud to help you judge how your wording sounds.

By paying attention to your agency communications, you’ll be on the right track to setting up positive, lasting relationships. Building such relationships is an important part of your success as an individual and as an agency. We at SIS know how important such relationships are, which is why we continually improve our Partner XE agency management system to be your most reliable tool for client relations and communication. To find out how Partner XE can help grow your client interactions, contact us today at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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