
Keeping up with customer requests can seem like a never-ending task. But, there are tools out there to help the independent insurance agency minimize time spent and maximize customer service. We asked the experts at SIS to share some of the best tools for boosting agency efficiency. One of the top tools to come to mind: comparative raters.

See more essential agency tools here

What is it?

You may have heard the term tossed around, but what exactly is a comparative rater? These online-based tools quickly compare carrier rates. Think of Hotels.com or even Amazon and their price comparison tools. Comparative raters do the same for your customers’ potential policies. After entering some basic data, you instantly receive accurate policy quotes from your carriers in an easy-to-digest format.

The information you enter is housed in your agency management system, and many offer the option to integrate with a rater directly. With an integrated rater, you can either source data from your management system into the rater or start with the rater and flow policy information into your system if you win business.

Get the low down on another great tool: insurance lines downloads

Why use it?

The instant nature of comparative raters saves you hours of rate hunting. The time saving alone is huge. Another benefit is the accuracy of each quote. Carriers update their rates regularly, so you know you’re always giving your customers the most up-to-date info. [bctt tweet=”And #comparative #raters help you meet your customer and prospect needs faster.” username=””]

How do I get started?

Fortunately for you, comparative raters make it easy to get started. They’re accessible online and allow monthly pricing options. Or, if it’s offered, you can opt for integration with your management systems. SIS’s Partner XE is compatible with many different raters. We work with users to integrate their rater of choice into our customizable management system.

Find out more!

Find more great tools and tips to maximize agency efficiency at sispartnerplatform.com. Check out our comprehensive online guides, covering how to manage agency change, improve operations, and harness the latest industry technology. Or get in touch with us to see if our Partner XE agency management system may be the #1 tool you’re missing.

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