The Pandemic Changed Digital Insurance Customer Expectations – How Your Agency Should Change, Too

The Pandemic Changed Digital Insurance Customer Expectations – How Your Agency Should Change, Too

The coronavirus pandemic accelerated trends in several areas, including digital insurance customer service. A recent survey showed that almost 90% of American consumers think customer service is more important now than before the pandemic took hold of the world.

Consumers not only expect more from service providers, they also have more options, meaning they’ll choose an agency that offers quicker and smoother interactions over one that’s, say, unable to process esignatures. As your team transitions back to the office, now is the time to reevaluate your customer service tools and processes to keep up with expectations.

1. Get more customer data

The more you know about each potential customer or group of prospects, the better. Set your agency up to gather customer data through marketing automation and record that data in an insurance CRM integrated with your agency management system.

With all your customer data in one place – your insurance CRM – producers and CSRs alike can look up a customer profile and get to know everything they can about a customer before speaking with them. The more you know, the better you can serve their needs and streamline interactions.

2. Focus on the customer

With so many choices and access to reviews, consumers can easily tell when they’re being “sold to” rather than actually helped. Use your customer data to focus on each individuals’s goals rather than your own. Train your producers to ask questions to understand what would best benefit the customer. Selling lower-priced coverage may seem like a loss in the short run, but if that’s what the customer needed to be happy, you’ve got a net positive in a life-long customer.

3. Stay in touch

You have a great deal of customer interaction leading up to signing a policy, but what about after? Take time to follow up with customers to see how things are going and if they have any new needs. If every contact isn’t about a sale, your customers are more inclined to trust you when it comes time to talk about an upsell or cross-sell opportunity. Use your insurance CRM and marketing automation to put in reminders to get in touch and automated messages to reach out regularly.

4. Be accessible in many ways

You know each customer is unique, so why don’t you offer them unique ways to get in touch? Some customers may prefer a phone call, while others want a text. Some may only look at email, while others want to talk over online chat. Whatever the way, make sure you have it as an option.

Marketing automation can let you know those preferences, tracking individual engagement with certain types of outreach, and options like integrated text and email make it easier for you to respond and capture customer data at the same time. 

5. Offer self-service

A self-service client portal is a must for the modern insurance agency. A self-service portal allows customers to access their policy, claims, and other information 24/7. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, consumers got used to self-service, and now many prefer it to get information almost instantly. With a self-service portal, customers can make payments, print ID cards, and update information without needing to call your office. That ease of use is essential.

6. Make feedback available and public

As we mentioned, online reviews play a big part in consumer choice. With so many seemingly similar insurance options, people often go to reviews to make their final decision. Make it easy for your customers to leave reviews about their experience. Ask for a review after a service call and add a link on your website and in your team’s email signatures. Check out your review pages to respond to less than stellar experiences, too. Your honestly and attempts to “make it right” go a long way.

7. Make more time for people

After lockdowns and social distancing for more than a year, people are craving more personal interactions. Structure your agency so you can give more time when needed. With a system like the Partner Platform agency management system and insurance CRM, you can automate and speed up processes thanks to real-time integrations and esignature capabilities, among other time-saving tools.

With less time spent on small tasks, you can give your time to the most important job: being there for your customers. Find out how you can give your customers back more time with a system that gives you that competitive advantage: get in touch with the Partner Platform team today.

The Story Behind Our Insurance Agency Software: Archway Computer

The Story Behind Our Insurance Agency Software: Archway Computer

In the latest of our “Behind Our Insurance Agency Software” series, we talk with Brad Ruben of IT services provider Archway Computer. Archway has been one of our industry partners for years, and we rely on Brad and his team to keep us and our community up-to-date on the latest insurtech and cybersecurity.

Brad Ruben has been working with insurance agnecy software since 1985, when he first helped a family friend install and run a Coast Premium Rater software as part of the friend’s insurance business. Since then, Brad founded Archway Computers to help independent agencies get the best insurtech and IT support at a price they can afford.

I talked with Brad about Archway’s partnership with SIS and the Partner Platform community, aiding agencies with IT services and providing expert consultation around insurtech and security.

How did you first become connected with SIS and Partner Platform? What prompted you to want to collaborate?

We had a mutual client who told me about SIS and Partner Platform. There was a definite connection around personalized service and commitment to innovation. Once I met with SIS President Michael Doran, we immediately hit it off and have been working together ever since.

We had a mutual client who told me about SIS and Partner Platform. There was a definite connection around personalized service and commitment to innovation. Once I met with SIS President Michael Doran, we immediately hit it off and have been working together ever since.

We get great feedback from our Partner Platform clients about how SIS and the team support them, which we love to see in any insurance technology provider. However, what really stands out is the seamless sales and marketing integrations SIS provides in Partner Platform. That’s something few agency management systems do well.

What services do you provide for SIS and the Partner Platform customer base?

Archway Computer provides managed IT services exclusively for independent insurance agencies. That means keeping their information secure and their technology compliant with cyber regulations in their state. Small and mid-sized agencies usually cannot afford a full-time IT person, and their local IT company knows nothing about insurance technology. So, we’re a great fit for the independent agencies in the Partner Platform community.

Beyond being a preferred IT service provider for Partner Platform agencies, we also provide educational opportunities for the broader Partner Platform and SIS community. We’ve been part of numerous national conferences and hosted cybersecurity webinars for the community. We’re a comprehensive IT resource for SIS and its Partner Platform agencies.

We’ve been lucky to work with SIS for years, establishing a solid relationship. As cybersecurity and compliance issues grow, our partnership is that much more important. Partner Platform understands that having a digital presence and working from anywhere are vital issues for their agencies. Working with us, they can help agencies grow while keeping them protected from cyber vulnerabilities.

You have a unique value proposition that aligns with independent agents (as does Partner). How do independent agents benefit from working with you versus a big-name provider?

Independent agents need someone who already understands the technology they’re using and how to make it work better for them. Larger IT firms just don’t know insurtech and take a long time to get up to speed. Agencies love that we’re knowledgeable, responsive, and hands-on right from the start.

Also, we’re not selling them anything they don’t need. Insurtech software providers will often sell their IT services alongside their tech and then constantly try to upsell. We’re a neutral party that fairly evaluates agency tech without a stake in the game. Our only goal is to keep agencies efficient and protected.

What has been your experience with the SIS/Partner Platform team so far?

We love the SIS team. All our mutual clients experience excellent customer service from them, and we know they’re always working for the client’s best interest, just like us. It’s been great sharing our expertise with the Partner Platform community, including the staff at SIS, who integrate our expertise into their software.

Plus, the Partner Platform team are just all-around great as people. We look forward to getting to meet face-to-face again at the next convention.


Our Partner Allies like Archway Computer provide invaluable insights into tech advances and how to keep our Partner Platform community connected and protected. You can learn more about Brad and his team at myarchway.com, and see the remote work tips Brad shared with us on our blog

Find out more about Partner Platform’s expanding capabilities and our other Partner Allies on our website at sispartnerplatform.com.

These Blogs Will Improve Your Insurance Marketing Strategies

These Blogs Will Improve Your Insurance Marketing Strategies

We’re almost halfway through the year, and a lot has changed since January. At this mid-year mark, we took a look back at some of our most popular posts and put together a list of the essentials. These posts can help hone your insurance marketing strategies for the remainder of the year and beyond.

Posts to Improve Service

  • What Customers Want and the Insurance Software to Get It (view post)
  • What Insurance Tech Do Agency Customers Want (view post)
  • Digital Insurance Customer Service: Keeping it Personal (view post)

Posts to Improve Your Website

  • Expert Tips for Building Your Insurance Website for Sales (view post)
  • The Top 5 Must-Haves for Insurance Websites to Stay Competitive (view post)
  • Making Your Agency Website Your Own with Partner Connect (view post)
  • Insurance Marketing Strategies: Starting a Blog (view post)

Posts to Improve Your Overall Marketing

  • Intentional Insurance Agency Marketing in Four Steps (view post)
  • The Key to Stepping into Insurance Sales Software (view post)
  • The CRM for Insurance Agents: A Step-by-Step Guide (view post)
  • Let Us Help Your Agency Grow: The Top Insurance Prospect Software from Partner Platform (view post)

These posts are just the start of the informative content we have to help your agency improve your marketing, sales, and overall processes. Check out all our articles on the Partner Platform blog and get in-depth resources with our online guides. Got a topic you’d like to hear more about? Contact us and let us know.