Partner XE Regional Learning Recap: Columbus
The Partner XE community closed out 2017 with a unique Regional Learning experience. Partner agencies joined us from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and even New York state to participate in our first ever track-based Regional Learning event. This Learning Event...

Stumped: How to Jump-Start Your Insurance Marketing
A recent report showed 24% of respondents didn’t know where to focus their insurance marketing efforts. Discover six insurance marketing resources to help your agency build its brand and gain business.

Giving and Receiving: How to Pass on Your Agency
Chances are you have at least once received a gift and your first thought was: “Thanks?”. That question mark means you either don’t know what you’ll do with the gift or you didn’t want it in the first place. Both are not great reactions. Unfortunately, this is how some people feel when it comes to insurance agency perpetuation.

Insurance Industry Resources: 10 Surprising Industry Facts
The holiday season is a mix of looking back and looking forward: being thankful for what has been and looking ahead to what will be. We combed through our independent insurance agency resources to uncover a bit of both.

Nashville Take Two: November Regional Learning Recap
This past month we came back for round two with the Insurors of Tennessee at their Nashville headquarters. This year’s Regional Learning brought attendees from multiple states to learn about the latest Partner XE enhancements and updates. Community members came from...

Uncovering the Right Management System Partner
When Kathy Mulder of Nolan Insurance Agency heard her current management system was being retired, she did anything but panic. With nearly 50 years of service behind them, Kathy and her team knew this was an opportunity to find a provider they could keep for another...

Partner XE Regional Learning Recap: Greensburg, PA
SIS President Michael Doran recaps our latest Partner XE Regional Learning in Greensburg, PA.

Partner XE Client Story: Scratching the 20 Year Itch
Since its founding in 1919, Sweet and Associates has been a family-owned and operated agency serving the Detroit area. Jim Waun is the fourth generation of his family to run the agency, stepping into the role with a lifetime of experience growing up in the industry....

Attracting Millennials in Insurance
Let’s be straight: we need millennials in insurance. About 55% of insurance upper management are eligible to retire, and the industry is looking at 70,000 open positions – Millennials are the answer.

Atrocities in Insurance Agency Accounting
Learn ways to avoid insurance agency accounting mistakes and how to fix the inevitable errors when they happen.