
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to change many elements of our lives. For businesses, it created a quickening effect on plans to increase tech use and move to digital. With those changes, many agencies turned to their insurance websites as hubs for their business, whether or not their site was optimized to take on that level of responsibility.

As your agency evaluates how to shift to the “new normal,” consider these insurance website statistics and what they mean for your agency.

Connect with Marketing Automation

Marketing automation sends messaging to interested prospects and clients when they take a particular action, like clicking “request a quote,” or at a specific time such as when they’re up for renewal. When integrated with your website, you can set up marketing automation to send messaging at the ideal times to engage prospects and customers. Research shows the personalization that marketing automation provides works:

  • Close to 90% of customers now demand more personalization from businesses, much of which can be done through marketing automation (Accenture)
  • Insurance companies that leverage marketing automation sell 20% more policies per producer (Velocify)

Pay Attention to Your Site’s SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to your site’s success. Your SEO status dictates how easy it is for your target prospect group to find you in an online search. Independent agencies that specialize in serving their local community benefit from quality SEO by targeting localized search phrases like “Ashville NC auto insurance.” Your search ranking is important as statistics show more people are turning to online searches to find coverage:

  • Almost 70% of insurance customers run online searches before making a purchase (LSA)
  • Online searches for “insurance near me” have grown by 100% in the past two years, making it more critical than ever to have your SEO locally targeted (Google)

Optimize for Mobile

More people are accessing the web via mobile than ever, and your website needs to adjust. Ensure you’ve optimized your website design so it can be easily viewed on any device. Mobile access is taking over as the most popular way to view online content:

  • Mobile searches make up 59% of all organic search visits (Broadband Search)
  • Mobile devices (excluding tablets) accounted for almost 55% of global website traffic in the first quarter of 2021 (Statistica)

Highlight Customer Reviews

Whether it’s from social media, a review site, or an email message, show off the feedback you get from happy customers. If you don’t have many examples yet, encourage customers to go to places like Google Reviews or Yelp and comment about your service. Integrating your social media feed and these review site comments into your site gives a boost, too. We know authentic reviews make a huge impact:

  • Close to 60% of consumers say they go to social media to influence their purchasing decisions (Marketing Drive)
  • People are up to four times more likely to purchase a product or service with at least five reviews (Review24)

Get the Custom Website You Need

If you’re looking to upgrade your site to bring better service and higher-quality insurance leads, look no further than the experts at Partner Platform. Our latest agency website offerings are personalized sites custom-designed, thanks to our trusted Partner Allies. Each site offers integration with marketing automation, customer service tools like our Client Portal, and secure infrastructure to keep you and your customers safe.

See samples of agency websites here and get in touch with us to find out more.

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