Tips for Handling Insurance Industry Technology
It may be hard to believe, but we’re nearing the halfway mark in 2018. It’s been a year of unprecedented technological advancement, helping the industry be more efficient and more cautious. Though these insurance industry technology advancements bring a host of...

Getting the Gecko: Independent Insurance Marketing Tips
Whether it fills you with hope or dread, insurance marketing is a part of operating an independent insurance agency. You can only grow if you gain more business, and you gain more business by getting your name in front of prospects. This post is a summary of our...
Why One Delaware Agency Made the Switch to Partner XE
John Yasik and his team at Newark, DE-based Poland & Sullivan Insurance, Inc. were frustrated. They were frustrated with rising costs, frustrated with a complicated and unreliable reporting system, and frustrated with customer service that was described as, in a...

InsureSign announces integration with Partner XE agency management system
Starting this month, Strategic Insurance Software’s (SIS) Partner XE users can begin easily and seamlessly securing signatures.

The Answer to Your Independent Agency Frustrations
Are small things taking up big time at your agency? Agency management system automation can take these little tasks off your hand for big savings.

Are You Prospecting Right? 5 Questions to Ask
What’s the secret to sales success? Easy: there is no secret. Successful prospecting requires the right tools and a well-thought-out plan. The good news is your agency management system is one tool already at your disposal. But are you using it efficiently? Ask yourself these five questions to find out.
Pittsburgh Agency Seeks Insurance Management System Solution
Hear why a Pittsburgh insurance agency was looking for an insurance management system solution.

Data Safety for the Independent Insurance Agency
It’s tough enough to win new business. Whether it’s a new insured, renewal, or endorsement to a current policy, you want to make the “sign on the dotted line” process as quick as possible. Agency data and signature security may be the furthest thing from your mind.
What it Means to be a Partner: Interview with SIS CEO Alex Deak
Hear from Strategic Insurance Software CEO Alex Deak on what makes SIS and Partner XE stand out in the business.

Advanced Insurance Agency Reporting Part II
Earlier in the year, I wrote a post on some of the top insurance agency reporting methods underutilized by agencies. With so many to share, we’re on to part two. In this post, I’ll outline three reporting tools that will bring you to data wizard status. Start putting...